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Lindsey's Blue Griffon of Hornback Kennel

Griffon is my pride and joy. He has attitude! and is the King here and he knows it. If there is a drop of water anywhere on the place he is in it. Whether it is in a bowl or puddle. Standing just 12.5 inches tall this guy has body. Even wet he looks like an Aussie. Huge amounts of hair and those stunning blue eyes. We are so excited to see what he produces!!

MDR1 carrier
Clear on all else
Full Aussie panel through Pawprints

Hornback's Gizmos & Gadgets

Hornback's Gizmos and Gadgets
Gizmo is full genetic panel clear AKC and CKC Miniature poodle. Amazing out going personalty. he loves attention and is a total Momma's boy.
12 in tall and about 11 lbs. Long legs and very well put together.
Few select outside breedings available
He is one of 10% of mini poodles that is clear of cddy/ivdd. tested through pawprints and UC Davis.

Hornback's Stone
AKC & CKC registered
This amazing boy stands 14.5 inches tall.
This fun guy is a joy. He loves to play and follows me everywhere he can. He is a bit shy as he wasn't socialized much as a baby. He absolutely hates being brushed or groomed. and will run from the brush LOL!
He has a great full smooth body! pretty head and carries a rainbow of colors! I am testing him through UC Davis for the IVDD/CDDY

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